Welcome to the Myrtle Beach Winter Bump!!

Play Schedules will be posted on AES as event nears.

Here is important information regarding our Winter Bump Volleyball Classic Tournament. Please make sure you understand all the information provided as we strive to keep our volleyball season moving forward for 2021.

All teams please check your status in the tournament and confirm the location.


AM = 12s, 13s, 14 Club, 15 Club (8 Pools)
PM = 15 Club (5 Pools), 15/16 Open, 16 Club, 17 Club, 17/18 Open, 18 Club

Deadline for team drops is December 15th for a full refund
We have a number of teams on the waitlist. Accepted teams have until December 15th to drop and receive a full refund. Please let us know sooner if possible. Any drop between Dec. 15th and Dec. 29th will get a 50% refund. After Dec. 20th no refund for a team dropping out of the tournament.

Teams on the waitlist
If you are on the waitlist it means we have received your payment but could not accept you into the tournament because the division you entered was full. Your payment has not been deposited. You have a few options: 1) Move to Charleston in a division that has space. We have several spots in Charleston in our select divisions. 2) Remain on the waitlist for your division. 3) Withdraw from the tournament. Given the circumstances spots may open up at any time.

Rosters and JVA
The tournament is open to any affiliation. Following is JVA information to complete your rosters on AES. Coaches will need to have a printed roster at team check-in.

JVA Background Screening Event Roster REQUIREMENT
Read all instructions below and then click here: https://jvaregistration.sportngin.com/register/form/596266958

-If you have a USAV screen/SafeSport training, on the affiliations page, select USAV. Enter in your current USAV number. You do NOT have to pay anything and you do NOT have to take the APS training. When you get to the APS training, just close out.

-If you do not have a USAV screen and you need to take the JVA screen, on the affiliations page, select None of the Above or AAU. Fill out all background screen information and pay the $38. It is a two year screen so you will not have to pay again next year. Then take the APS training.

-Upon completion of this registration, JVA does imports into AES 2-3 times a week. USAV registrations will be imported right away and the JVA registrations will be imported as soon as the screen and APS training is completed.

Tournament Waves
IMPORTANT: AM wave will start at 8am. Doors will open at 7am. PM Wave will start at 3:30pm. Teams playing in the PM Wave should not enter the facility until 2:30pm. This helps eliminate the merge of traffic from the AM and PM waves.

Myrtle Beach: TBD –TBD — WIll be Updated in AES

Charleston: TBD — WIll be Updated in AES

Team Check-In, Ticket, and Merchandise sales

Myrtle Beach – Teams can check in Friday night from 6-8pm at the Convention Center or Saturday at your playing location. The Myrtle Beach Sports Center has a separate Team entrance. Follow the signs. Ticket and Merchandise sales are also available from 6-8pm Friday at the Convention Center and all day Saturday and Sunday at your location.

Covid-19 Protocols
We have worked hard to make the tournament possible so it is of utmost importance that families help us insure a great and safe event. We ask that you adhere to the following guidelines at the tournament.

Note: In Myrtle Beach, event tickets can be purchased with a credit card and/or cash. Cash sales can be used for merchandise in Myrtle Beach and in Charleston.

Spectators (strongly encouraged)
– Please limit 2 family members per player if possible.
– Spectators are asked to wear mask at all times inside the venue.
– Any vulnerable person should consider staying home.
– Do not come if you are showing any Covid-19 symptoms such as fever.
– Wash and sanitize hands consistently at the event.
– Practice social distancing as much as possible.
– Stay within your family groups.
– After your team plays please exit the court area to allow for the other teams families to be court side.

Players and Teams
– Players and Coaches should wear mask inside when going to and from the court area. Players can remove once at the court.
– PM Wave teams should not enter the facility until 2:30pm
– Stay within your team groups and social distance when possible.
– Teams who are not working or playing should exit the court area and social distance.
– Do not attend if you are showing any Covid-19 symptoms.
– Wash and sanitize hands consistently at the event.
– Bring your own water and warm-up balls.

Event Format
We have added time between AM and PM waves to allow for the building to be cleaned. Please clear the area after you play in the AM and do not enter until 2:30 for the PM wave. On Monday we are looking at alternative formats to limit the number of teams in the building at one time and limit changing courts. We will still guarantee at least one match and our Championship matches. More info prior to the event.

We will send another update as we get closer to the event. We appreciate your attendance and despite the challenges will do all we can to exceed your tournament expectations and have another awesome Winter Bump.