Please click below links to download the first version of the Wave Schedule and Pools for this years Winter Bump… we would love to say this is the final version and as of today, it is, but changes still may happen or mistakes found. Once we are able to say with certainty that this is the final version, we will repost the final information as such.
The pool schedule will show the start time for the pool and approximate start times for the matches that follow.
Please note, after the first match of the pool is finished, the matches will begin immediately following the finish of the previous match. Matches can start as early as 45 minutes prior to the scheduled “approximate” times listed.
The first match of the pool will start at 8 am for first wave and 2 pm for the second wave. If both teams are present the first match of the pool can start as early as 10 minutes (ie. 7:50 am or 1:50 pm).
Welcome to the Winter Bump Volleyball Classic Waves and Tourament Information 1.5.2012
Winter Bump 2012 Pools – as of 1.5.2012 – Florence
Winter Bump 2012 Pools – as of 1.5.2012 – Myrtle Beach
** You can also view this at —-> Tournaments —- > Juniors —-> Tournament Schedule —-> Jan. 14th Battle at the Beach (**as of right now it is not posted yet)
Please email or call if you have any questions…